Weekend update in progress

My primary computer is currently seven percent through a scan to debug it. I must have picked up a virus yesterday. So I’m typing from my iPad but it of course is flash incapable so I can’t annotate any charts until my laptop returns to health. This has provided me with the opportunity to review several hundred charts and I’ve discovered a few interesting tidbits that I’ll be sharing in a bit (under the new august password, which will go out once my computer issues are resolved).

While I was attending university, the student body elected to abolish the student government. Watching a bit of the sideshow taking place in d.c., I’d say it’s about time the American people followed suit, after all it seems to be working just fine in Belgium!.

About alphahorn

I received an MBA from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business in New York and am a Wall Street veteran. I’ve worked for a number of investment banks including Smith Barney and First Boston/C S First Boston in New York. Over the years, I have developed my own Proprietary Swing System and I combine that System with my own Elliott Wave Analysis to trade.
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